Bravo's Chef Roble with Darryl Dwayne |
Well, you know how they say you can't trust everything you see on reality T.V? That is the complete untruth when it comes to Chef Roble & Co. because what you see is exactly what you get. I got the opportunity to experience the, "Roble Effect" first hand and it was far more then I could have ever expected.
One Of Chef Roble's Custom Dishes |
I like to consider myself a foodie. I'm from the South and a big part of who we are being from the South revolves around food. Food especially in family units with people of color is used to show each other just how much we care for one another. I come from a background where if you truly love someone then the best thing you can do is slave over a hot stove and pour out all of your love into a southern style smorgasbord and let your loved one's have at it.
Chef Roble and His Right Hand Man Adam (Photography + Darryl Dwayne) |